A lesson in resilience
11 Dec 2023
As I alluded to yesterday, I’m doing the Advent of Code. The AoC is a Christmas-themed challenge, where, as per any Advent Calendar, each day from the 1st to the 24th of December, a programming exercise is released.
The challenges follow a story where you find solutions for problems you find during your Christmas quest. The challenge has two parts, each earning you a golden star. You can only access the second challenge once you finish the first.
Today, I am SO TIRED. I didn’t sleep a lot and woke up early to go to work. I arrived home super tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. But before doing that I had a bunch of chores to do, one of them the Advent of Code.
Having a giant headache, and being sleepy are not contributing factors to doing the AoC. That is why, after not being able to reach the solution to the first problem for a while, I was prepared to give up.
I even texted my girlfriend saying that the AoC has finished for me this year. However, right after sending this text, I tinkered some more and was able to get the first golden star.
Five minutes after (thank god my solution to the first problem was applicable to the second one), I was able to get the second and final star of the day.
So I guess the Advent of Code didn’t yet follow the same path as the other advent calendar I tried to do in December.
See you tomorrow!