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A short post about friendship

09 Dec 2023

During my late-teen (or rather, young adult) years, I came to one conclusion. That a true friend is one which you can be apart from for a long time, and when you’re together it seems like no time at all has passed.

Today I spent time with such a friend. That makes me wonder if there are people that share that magic with me, which I haven’t spoken with for a long time.

I’m going to be totally honest. I don’t really know what to write about today, and I was hoping to have more to say about this friendship thing. I mean, I could, but I’m at that point where, to write everything I felt like I need to, I would have to write A LOT, which is not he point of Blogmas.

Sometimes advent calendars have bigger chocolates, sometimes they have smaller ones, today you’re having he latter. But fear not, a new day begins tomorrow.